Real Vs. Unreal
I reckon, those days where being myself was all I knew, where books and a thought of my career and future were not even introduced to me. A world that only knew innocence and could only relate to learning, creativity and a lot of activities.

To know what it takes to fall off the bed, to hit my head on the edge of the table, to crumble down on the floor which wasn’t cleaned and mopped multiple times a day, where there were no sanitizers used by the guests before holding me close or caressing me, puts me to think.
Wasn’t I important to my parents then or the parents today are going insane taking extra caution for their kids? Lives have turned upside down, we care when we shouldn’t and we don’t when it’s required.
The foundation of the relationships is laid on social media and opinions are carved basis our presence on these media platforms. The essence of growing up in a real sense seems to fade away as we pace for better lives. And, unfortunately, we define better life for having more money in the bank accounts, expensive showpieces placed graciously in the corners of the house that require cleaning and care twice a day, diet that weighs heavy on the pocket in order to weigh less on the weighing scale, big fancy cars, expansive magnificent chandelier hanging brings us more happiness.

The rat race will continue and find no end till we confine happiness and contentment to relationships that make us and will remain steady. A short trip with the family, quality time with relatives, an evening with cousins and friends, dinner dates with a few special ones, a call with friends or family that are geographically distant make more sense to me than crushing my joy underneath superficial worldly pleasures.
I don’t
wish to lose myself to a world that’s fake and unreal. I aim for more love,
compassion, interaction with people sipping coffee somewhere, drives that make
me forget the regular stress, mistakes that make me a better person, a smile that's contagious, a
conversation that could make me roll on the floor, network of people I know in
person, being a better listener, and so on. I miss the human touch to this technologically
driven life.