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Simplicity of Life

Knowing oneself and finding inner peace are the true "simplicity of life." Yet, modern life is often accompanied by added stress and distractions. Today, even infants are learning to depend on technology - mobile phones, tablets, television, cars, and more - at a surprisingly young age. While it's commendable that children are developing faster than in decades past, this rapid growth comes at a cost. With all their abundant knowledge and learning, what they often lack are the essential human qualities - emotions, peace of mind, humanity, kindness, compassion, and love for one another. While technology has brought many benefits, we seem increasingly unwilling to acknowledge its growing drawbacks. We stubbornly crave independence, bristling at any instruction and instantly comparing ourselves to others. As a result, tolerance for our fellow humans is dwindling, fuelling crime and damaged relationships. Over time, our dependence on technology has made us its slaves - a day w...

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